Gamer Dads
We are gaming Dads with a weekly podcast focused on the world of Nintendo from a family friendly and dadbod perspective. Contact us at
Or leave us a voicemail at (929) 256-3237

Justin Masson
Adult Educator, board game geek, rugby fan and wannabe voice actor. Husband of 1 & father of 2...who love nachos & ribs.

Jesse Waldack
Computer programmer and RPG-guru [Editor note: some even say Pokémon-guru]. Grew up with a controller in his hand and has been playing games for almost 40 years. Husband and Father of 3 adults who have all moved out already.

Marty Estes
Student Pastor/Podcaster here and on the Youth Worker's Guide to Video Games (@ywgvg). Marty is into board games, wrestling, food, and video games.

Tim Aulph
Life Long Learner, Techie, and Gamer. All-time favorite games (in no particular order): Metroid Series, Zelda Series, Sim City (SNES), inFamous series, God of War series, and Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, as well as Super Mario games like Bros 3, World, 3D Land, New, and Odyssey.